The Fabulous Friday Funnies

I was reading one morning when my husband came in very upset and asked me if I thought he had put on a lot of weight since last winter. I asked him why he wanted to know. He groaned that he couldn’t get anywhere near fitting his jeans over his hips, much less getting them… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Blond on a cruise ship DEAR DIARY: DAY 1 All packed for the cruise ship – all my best dresses and make-up… Really excited. DEAR DIARY: DAY 2 Entire day at sea, beautiful and saw whales and dolphins. Met the Captain today – seems a very nice man. DEAR DIARY: DAY 3 At the pool… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

"Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." Henny Youngman "There’s a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It’s called marriage." James Holt… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

True story I recently taught my grade 6 class a unit on government. In a follow-up test, I asked the question: "What does democracy mean?" One very intelligent girl responded: "The freedom to elect your own dictators." … made even funnier by the fact that she was from the Philippines. Heard today on the ABC… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

A man entered the bus with both of his front pockets full of golf balls and sat down next to a beautiful (you guessedit) blonde. The puzzled blonde kept looking at him and his bulging pockets. Finally, after many such glances from her, he said, ‘Its golf balls’. Nevertheless, the blonde continued to look at… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart. The husband picks up a case of Fosters and puts it in their cart. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ asks the wife. ‘They’re on sale, only $10 for 24 cans,’ he replies. ‘Put them back, we can’t afford them,’ demands the wife, and so… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

On another occasion, a man making heavy breathing sounds from a phone box told a worried operator: ‘I haven’t got a pen, so I’m steaming up the window to write the number on’. Tech Support: ‘I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop’. Customer: ‘OK’. Tech Support: ‘Did you get a pop-up menu?’. Customer:… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

"As a child, a library card takes you to exotic, faraway places. When you’re grown up, a credit card does it." –Sam Ewing A man said to his wife one day, ‘I don’t know how you can be so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time. ‘The wife responded, ‘Allow me to explain.… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies