Today I had the chance to take out a demo 2009 Suzuki SFV650 Gladius from Boyd Motorcycles in Hamilton. First impressions were not too bad, some similar styling and performance to my brother in law’s Triumph Street Triple. httpv://
Tag: audio
2009 Suzuki SFV650 Gladius
My 2 year old son’s first Voice Memo’s on my iPhone 3GS 
Feeling quite at home on the iPhone’s unique touch-screen interface after having owned a iPod Touch for well over a year, Joshua, my almost three year old son quickly wanted to get his hands on my new iPhone 3GS. Once I showed him once how to record audio in the new Voice Memo app, he… Continue reading My 2 year old son’s first Voice Memo’s on my iPhone 3GS
Joshua snoring loudly 
This is an audio clip I extracted from some video Kim took of Joshua today while he was having his daytime sleep. It definitely seams like a few of his grand parents traits are well ingrained into Joshua now. [audio:LoudSnoring.mp3] Reminds me of my parents snoring chorus they once performed…
My new scooter

So the family and I were off to Hamilton today for a birthday and xmas shop for all of Joshuas’ cousins. I was on the look out for a new scooter to get around in Rotorua. After selling Kims’ Honda Prelude last Monday over Trademe, it was time for another two wheeled powered motorcycle. But… Continue reading My new scooter
A Da D Da Dad 
Here is the latest treats from the mouth of Joshua. He’s a real heart melter. [audio:DaDaDa.mp3]
Joshua Gargling 
Some audio taken tonight. I know it sounds like it, but I’m not trying to drown my son. The latest noise to come out of Joshua’s mouth. [audio:Gargling.mp3]
Joshua’s First Words 
Audio taken from Joshua the other night. [audio:JoshuaTalking.mp3] Note how he doesn’t respond to Dad, but Mum gets a reply straight away.
Joshua Snoring 
Seams like you do get some traits from your grandparents… Turn your sound up, as it’s a little quite. [audio:JoshuaSnoring.mp3] Recorded last night 5 minutes after we put Joshua down.
He’ll F*#k You Up

A song, sale taken from episode 146: Saved by a Bell from the very funny podcast, Nobody Likes Onions Find out more and subscribe here Warning Contains the word F*#k [audio:FuckYouUp.mp3]
Little Irish Becky 
Such a sweet little girl with such a cute accent, viagra 100mg and such a tall task…. Listen to find out more… [audio:LittleBecky_Demolition.mp3]