@myleftbollock all the best for the birth big guy! You'll have a new appreciation for the vag! in reply to myleftbollock # What do McD's put in their fruit bags? This one has 1 day left, here apple looks fine, for sale but bag looks likely to explode http://twitpic.com/2cdilz # Yummo! Godfather with Feta! (@… Continue reading Tweets for the week ending 2010-08-08
Author: Adrian Hodge
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Joke of the Year Two women were sitting quietly together, minding their own business. While taking a routine vandalism report at an elementary school, I was interrupted by a little girl about 6 years old. Looking up and down at my uniform, she asked, "Are you a cop?"
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-01
3 week delay on iPhone 4 via the online NZ Apple Store. $1, cure 299 for the 32GB model! Feck! # Play and happy meal for Joshua (@ Mc Donald's) http://4sq.com/aETwcW # Thanks @jimboot, got my Flipboard confirmation this morning. iHTML looks handy, AirVideo SWEET! – Have a gr8 weekend! # @NinjaLikesCheez About to head… Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-01
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Every night, Harry goes out drinking. And every night, his wife, Louise, yells at him. One day, one of Louise’s friends suggests that she try a different tack. "Welcome him home with a kiss and some loving words," she says. "He might change his ways." That night, Harry stumbles back home as usual. But instead… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-25
First tweet from the new iPad. Loving the space and access to new cool apps! # Picking up dinner with Jason (@ Tandoori Palace) http://4sq.com/cGBvKz # My iPad is leaving Sydney on a jet plane bound for Rotorua. # Enjoying cinnamon roll dippers in our hot drinks with Joshua (@ Starbucks) http://4sq.com/9fL9xw # If I… Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-25
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Got my son a iPhone for his birthday the other week, and recently got my Daughter a iPod for hers, was dead chuffed when the family clubbed together and bought me an iPad for father’s day. Got my wife a iRon for her Birthday, it was around then the fight started……
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-18
@vodafoneNZ So no iPhone 4's until July 30 huh? Plus free cases! Should keep everyone quiet in reply to vodafoneNZ # Trying a lunch special, bronchi chicken wrap with peri peri chips! (@ Nando's) http://4sq.com/95ZLe6 # Have a laugh and forget about your boring life for a few minutes http://bit.ly/a8iGfn #TGIF # Nothing like a… Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-18
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
This proves that commonsense is not very common. My dad was booked to go on a trip and as a precaution he took out travel insurance unfortunately he died suddenly but when we activated the travel insurance we had to prove he was too sick to go on the trip, I gave them the death… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Why Men Are Happier People
Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can never be pregnant. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You don’t have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-11
Time for a little authentic garlic naan to compliment my tinned Wattie's Buttered Chicken (@ Tandoori Palace) http://4sq.com/cGBvKz # Have a laugh at my expense! http://bit.ly/d1AJzK #TGIF # Trying the new BBQ Meatball sub (@ Subway) http://4sq.com/bhAF1K #