Hope you’ve had an enjoyable week. Hasn’t the weather been nice, I’ve been enjoying walking to work every day while catching up on some episodes of Nobody Likes Onions and BoagWorld podcasts. I’d like to give a big shout out to Lee Rattray this morning on his 36th birthday. Happy Birthday Lee, hope your family… Continue reading Update 20th April ’07
Tag: Joshua
New Video Posted
Well, if you haven’t already subscribed to the Adrian Hodge.com video podcast then you wouldn’t have been aware of the latest video posted into the video gallery of our little monkey man, Joshua. Titled Screaming, Mad Dad, this video is sure to bring a smile to your face. I added it to the top of… Continue reading New Video Posted
Update 13th April ’07
I hope you had a terrific easter and ate loads of hot cross buns and chocolate. If you haven’t seen already, we took a photo of Joshua for the easter season, you can view it here. I’m working on some new footage of Joshua, so I hope to have another video available soon. Joshua is… Continue reading Update 13th April ’07
Joshua Snoring 
Seams like you do get some traits from your grandparents… Turn your sound up, as it’s a little quite. [audio:JoshuaSnoring.mp3] Recorded last night 5 minutes after we put Joshua down.
AdrianHodge.com Video Podcast Released
I’ve been working on creating a video podcast of all the current videos in the Video Gallery for you all to enjoy live and streamed directly into iTunes. Then stay subscribed to receive the latest videos as soon as they are posted. Subscribe using the button below and get all the videos to watch anytime… Continue reading AdrianHodge.com Video Podcast Released
Update 2nd Mar ’07
Wellity Wellity Wellity Happy birthday to our sister in law, Jane, who is celebrating her 30 something birthday today. Hope you have a fantastic day, and Jason spoils you rotten. My lovely wife celebrated her birthday on Tuesday this week, she was stoked to receive her first “Happy Birthday Mommy” card and present from Joshua.… Continue reading Update 2nd Mar ’07
Update 16th Feb ’07
Well Howdy All. Firstly, I’d just like to wish Emmerson and Charlie a big congratulations on their engagement from Kim, Joshua and I. We are super stoked for you both. Well, Joshua is now 16 weeks, I’ve thrown together a Best of Joshua 01 video clip for you to watch in the videos section of… Continue reading Update 16th Feb ’07
Update 5th Feb ’07
Joshua is now 15 weeks old, and has cut his first tooth. I felt one of his middle bottom two incisors yesterday, which would explain why Joshua has been drooling quite a bit recently. It’s weird cause he hasn’t been upset at all. We are so blessed with our little guy 🙂 Two new photos… Continue reading Update 5th Feb ’07
How old is Joshua Ethan Hodge?
Joshua Finds his Voice 
Here is a snippet of Joshua making noises at 12 weeks. You can see him really concentrating hard as he calmly talks to you. He normally makes these noises while he’s on his back having his nappy changed. [audio:JoshuaTalking_12Weeks.mp3]