This is so funny and is doing did the rounds on uTube Stupid YouTube took it down for a while cause it was offensive… So much PC bullshit around, pills almost as bad as that America dude Imus who got fired from his 20 year career job for saying Nappy Headed Hoes. httpv://
Sparkling Wiggles
Update 2nd Mar ’07
Wellity Wellity Wellity Happy birthday to our sister in law, Jane, who is celebrating her 30 something birthday today. Hope you have a fantastic day, and Jason spoils you rotten. My lovely wife celebrated her birthday on Tuesday this week, she was stoked to receive her first “Happy Birthday Mommy” card and present from Joshua.… Continue reading Update 2nd Mar ’07
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 5. Learn to say "no" When someone asks you to do something, before you agree to do it, ask yourself four questions: Have I got the time? Have I got the energy? Have I got the skills? Do I want to do it? "Did you all watch the Oscars last night? It… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Kim’s 34th Birthday today
Happy birthday to my lovely wife Kim today. Her first birthday as a mother, sale got her first Happy Birthday Mommy card from Joshua. Received: Age of Empires III – The War Chiefs expansion from Joshua Facial, Eye Treatment & Flowers from Hubs Leather Handbag from Jason & Jane Colourful top from Lee & Paula
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 4. Don’t stay up late. Not enough sleep increases the effect of stress on your body. We need sleep for mental and physical renewal. Try these ideas for better sleep: Invest in a good mattress. Cut out the caffeine 6 hours before bed time. Exercise so that you are physically tired. Did… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Basic Image Gallery
I’ve whipped up a (VERY) basic gallery for you to play with. It’s much easier and quicker to do stuff with action script than it is to do with manual effects. Look at the attached gallery.swi If you can’t open it because you have an older version of swishmax, use the code below Add all… Continue reading Basic Image Gallery
Update 16th Feb ’07
Well Howdy All. Firstly, I’d just like to wish Emmerson and Charlie a big congratulations on their engagement from Kim, Joshua and I. We are super stoked for you both. Well, Joshua is now 16 weeks, I’ve thrown together a Best of Joshua 01 video clip for you to watch in the videos section of… Continue reading Update 16th Feb ’07
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 3. Distractions can act like circuit breakers for stress. They give you “time out” and new thoughts to think. Ideas include: a short walk, a new location for a tea break, five minutes of a funny DVD, visiting a friend in another department, listening to music or sharing a riddle: What did… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 2. As you read the Friday Funnies allow yourself to be easily amused, this positive feeling can counteract the stress response and lead to relaxation. Here are a few St Valentine’s Day jokes for next week. A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Update 5th Feb ’07
Joshua is now 15 weeks old, and has cut his first tooth. I felt one of his middle bottom two incisors yesterday, which would explain why Joshua has been drooling quite a bit recently. It’s weird cause he hasn’t been upset at all. We are so blessed with our little guy 🙂 Two new photos… Continue reading Update 5th Feb ’07