A woman’s husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months, yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day. One day, he motioned for her to come nearer. She sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears, ‘You know what? You have been with me all through the… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Out driving the other day, my husband and I passed an A-frame sign which was advertising the local psychic meeting being held just down the road. I said to my husband ‘Why do they need to advertise that, if they were any good, they wouldn’t need it.’ My four-year-old, obviously well brought up granddaughter was… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
My 12,000ft Skydive

NOTE: View photos and video at the bottom of this page Today I was lumped with the job of looking after six media delegates from around the world on a trip out to the Rotorua Airport for a complementary Skydive with N-Zone while they were in town for TRENZ ’08. A bit out of the… Continue reading My 12,000ft Skydive
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Two funnies form my teaching days. “The knife was conceived in his swag.” ….. English Lesson and "Oh, accouchement leave is when you’re leaving to have a baby? Is that why we say ‘couchie, couchie, coo’ to babies?" …… Maternity Leave farewell comment from one of my Year 9 students – True story. Tea break… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
On a lonely, moonlit country road a young man’s car engine started to cough. Immediately pulling over to a scenic little spot he said to the young lady next to him, “That’s funny, I wonder what that knocking noise was?” “I’ll tell you one thing for sure,” said the girl coolly, “It wasn’t opportunity.” A… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Have you heard that a committee in Canberra has suggested naming the surrounds of The Lodge "The Kipling Gardens". Apparently this is because it’s now Rudd’s yard. Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example, the other day my wife and I went into town and… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Fuel Prices hit New Zealander’s hard
This image pretty much sums up the state of the fuel price in NZ at the moment, and I don’t see it improving anytime soon…
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
A doctor told Mrs. Stone to give her husband one pill a day and one drink of whiskey to improve his stamina. A month later, when Mrs. Stone came in for another visit, the doctor asked, "How are we doing with the pill and the whiskey?" Mrs. Stone answered, "Well, he’s a little behind with… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Some petrol jokes… Jay Leno: "After the war, the plan is to divide Iraq into three parts … regular, premium, and unleaded." I have my car towed to work because it’s cheaper than buying gas. All in favor of conserving petrol, please raise your right foot. I saw a guy on the… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
My husband seems to feel one should get their money’s worth on vacation. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to frolic every minute or not. But once when I was sitting in a beach chair on the sand, he came out of the surf and said, "This is costing us $300 a day – and… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies