Our second video clip on YouTube for Destination Rotorua Tourism Marketing. The english version! httpv://youtube.com/watch?v=QMwfuE-HeOw
Destination Rotorua DVD (EN)
Destination Rotorua DVD (JP) 
Our first video clip on YouTube for Destination Rotorua Tourism Marketing. Ok, so it’s in Japanese, but the video is still great. Will be posting the english version shortly. httpv://youtube.com/watch?v=MT8laAK6GJI
Joshua Gargling 
Some audio taken tonight. I know it sounds like it, but I’m not trying to drown my son. The latest noise to come out of Joshua’s mouth. [audio:Gargling.mp3]
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 17 Work fewer hours Research shows that we can work at 100% efficiency for 45 hours a week. In the next 10 hours worked, efficiency drops by 50%, and for hours after that efficiency is only 25%. Q. What is white and big and would hurt you if it fell out of… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 16 Healthy Snacks Leaving it too long between meals can cause bad moods and headaches. Nutritious snacks include: natural yoghurt with fresh fruit, bananas, nuts, whole grain biscuits with low fat cheese and a mug of hot soup. “Everybody keeps saying that women are smarter than men, but did you ever see… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Shell Ecobulb Promotion
Here’s a bright way to save around $650 off you electricity bill Throughout July and August, Shell in partnership with local company Energy Mad, will be running one of the largest energy saving initiatives ever undertaken in New Zealand as we aim to get 1 million energy saving light bulbs into Kiwi homes. By replacing… Continue reading Shell Ecobulb Promotion
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 16 Set Priorities Ask yourself often during the day, “What is the best use of my time right now?†Some Puns History is clumsy, it makes to many eras. When women enter middle age it give men a pause. Only kings worry about a receding heir line. Police were called into a… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Rattray Raglan Retreat 
Well, after a short stop over in our own bed after driving all night from Wellington, we were completed wacked! We returned to Rotorua after our trip down to Punakaiki for the Hodge Family ‘get together’ 2007. We got in at 1am and slept till 7am when Joshua woke. It was a chance to quickly… Continue reading Rattray Raglan Retreat
Joshua’s First Words 
Audio taken from Joshua the other night. [audio:JoshuaTalking.mp3] Note how he doesn’t respond to Dad, but Mum gets a reply straight away.
Why doesn’t everyone use English? 
Check out these photos from weirdly named products from around the world… Ok, viagra so… they are mostly from Asia. Good for a quick laugh…