Special fathers day fluffy time! (@ Fatdog Cafe) http://4sq.com/9qDX1t # Happy fathers day! Can't wait for the kids to jump into bed for cuddles and the wife to bring me a coffee # @pukekodesigns looking at the prices 2nd hand 3GS' are selling for on TradeMe, prescription I might upgrade. Had a play on one… Continue reading Tweets for the week ending 2010-09-05
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Mick walks into Paddy’s barn and catches him doing a sexy striptease to a large piece of red machinery. Mick says "What the hell are you doing Paddy?" Paddy replies "Well me and Mary haven’t been getting on lately and the therapist recommended that I do something sexy to a tractor."
Raceline Karting at Off Road NZ 
Off Road NZ had their open day today in Rotorua which involved some nicely discounted rides on all their offerings. The weather was pretty miserable, with lots of overnight and early morning rain, but when I headed out there around 9:30am the sky was relatively clear. The one thing I was most excited about trying… Continue reading Raceline Karting at Off Road NZ
Tweets for the week ending 2010-08-29
Raceline Karting at @OffRoadNZ during their open day today. Check out my on-board HD footage! http://bit.ly/9zgjGB # Three times in one week! Surely that deserves a medal… (@ Starbucks) http://4sq.com/9fL9xw # Double Rainbow in Rotorua http://t.co/1ZIQtvx Video and HDR photo # Whoa, denture Double Rainbow, ailment Oh my god, drug all the way across the… Continue reading Tweets for the week ending 2010-08-29
Double Rainbow in Rotorua 
We had this amazing Double Rainbow in Rotorua on Tuesday night. It shone brightly for around 30 minutes at 5pm. I just had to take out my iPhone and snap some video. I had the “Double Rainbow” parody song in my head from only watching it a week earlier.
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
On our way to Perth we dropped Toby off at the kennels (where he was born). Both Toby’s mum and dad live there and there was also another younger dog that looked exactly like Toby. Kris commented "That dog looks just like Toby" The owner replied "Yes, that’s Toby’s half-brother".
Tweets for the week ending 2010-08-22
@xmadsinx in the foursquare iPhone app. # Enjoying a little fluffy and Cinnamon Roll dippers with Joshua! (@ Starbucks) http://4sq.com/9fL9xw # RT @mishleyyy: dear rotorua why must you proceed to always smell like ass! // Ouch! # Mmmmmmmmm PIZZA!! (@ Domino's Pizza) http://4sq.com/d9FO3o #
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
A guy is walking down the street with a case of beer under his arm. His friend stops him and asks, "Hey! Whatcha got that case of beer for?" "Well, I got it for my wife, you see?" the guys answers. "Wow," exclaims his friend, "Great trade.
Tweets for the week ending 2010-08-15
Me too! RT @elliotjaystocks: Just put the 'Tweet button' on my blog posts. Wow, discount that was surprisingly easy and it actually looks alright! # Mootools horizontal DIV slider http://t.co/w3Vnwea via @adrianhodge # Play time with the kids plus a healthy meal for all! Not! (@ Mc Donald's) http://4sq.com/aETwcW #
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Movie Quotes – The First Drafts The Godfather"I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse. Well, he can refuse it, of course. I just know that if someone were to make me an offer like this, I’d jump all over it. But who am I to impose my feelings on someone else?" The Terminator"I’ll… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies