Well, in support of Movember, I grew a mo, not a too shabby effort if I do say so myself. Here is the final result, all photos where taken by me in my best americas next top model poses.
Month: November 2007
Movember – Day 30
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 36 “The highest drug in the world is givingâ€. Patch Adams. When we do a good deed we feel good, today find a way of doing something special for someone else. For example… Praise people, smile at a stranger, make a coffee for someone busier than you, thank people or let someone… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 35 Things people hate, part 2. We’ve included a few more for this week, but we’d love you to send in the favourite things that YOU hate. Being corrected for a mispronounced word. Being pushed into something you don’t want to do. Being corrected for a mispronounced word. People whispering or rustling… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 34. Things people hate. Limit difficult behaviour in others by avoiding what people tell us they hate. Examples include: Being told “I told you so.†People pushing in front of a queue. Having chips pinched from their plate. Being coughed on. People who don’t back you at a meeting. Being given advice… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Great panoramas of our house 
Over the weekend, we took some great shots of our place to give to the real estate agents to better market the house. So with a little help of the automated photomerge action in Adobe Photoshop CS3, I was able to whip up the following panoramas from in and around our house here in Rotorua,… Continue reading Great panoramas of our house
Movember – Day 12 
Well, in support of Movember, I’m growing my mo, and it’s going really badly, I mean look at it, it’s pathetic.
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Stress Buster No. 33. Improve your laugh life. Add fun to the relationship by, meeting for lunch in an unusual place, leaving love notes around the house, going to comedy shows together, arranging a surprise party and sending funny emails to each other. “According to the Congressional Budget Office, Social Security will be completely depleted… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Joshua Hodge gets his own domains
Well, many months ago after Joshua was born I searched for joshuahodge domains and to my disappointment joshuahodge.com was gone, but upon re-searching tonight, I’ve discovered that joshuahodge.com was available again, so I quickly snapped it up along with joshuahodge.co.nz. So stay tuned for Joshua’s own blend of website, of course I’ll get him to… Continue reading Joshua Hodge gets his own domains
Lost Sky Remote? 
So, after returning home from a couple of open homes today, we put Joshua in his walker while Kim and I prepared lunch for us all. After a few minutes Joshua was playing in the toilet and we didn’t think anything of it. We then sat down and had lunch while watching some SKY TV.… Continue reading Lost Sky Remote?
After waiting since the 1st of October, my new DELL PC arrived last Wednesday the day before my parents arrived, so only just got a chance to tidy up the desk and take a few photos of the new 24″ widescreen LCD monitor tonight. Check out the photos below, isn’t she a beauty?