Hey Everyone. Just had a midwife appointment at 10am, Joshua is now fully engaged and could come anytime. Kim is officially 38 weeks tomorrow, so we continue to play the waiting game. Kim has starting having more intense braxton hicks, which is a sign that her uterus muscles are getting ready for the big push.… Continue reading Joshua Ethan Hodge Progress
Tag: midwife
Baby Heart Beat 
Here is some audio recorded today at our visit with our midwife. The louder noises you can hear at the start is the baby moving around and ‘kicking’ the doppler. The voice you can hear is Karen Gardener, our Midwife. The heartbeat was at about 150 beats per minute. [audio:Baby_HeartBeat.mp3]
Baby Progress Update
Well, pills so far so good. Kim the little trouper is putting up with a lot, sickness the baby is getting bigger, I can now feel the lump at the bottom of Kim’s tummy, and sometimes it move’s when I apply a little bit of pressure. She’s waking up in the middle of the night… Continue reading Baby Progress Update