The Fabulous Friday Funnies

A blind man was describing his favorite sport, parachuting. When asked how this was accomplished, he said that things were all done for him: “I am placed in the door and told when to jump. My hand is placed on my release ring for me, and out I go.” “But how do you know when… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Genie

A Husband takes his wife to play her first game of golf…..Of course, the wife promptly whacked her first shot right through the window of the biggest house adjacent to the course. The husband cringed, ‘I warned you to be careful! Now we’ll have to go up there, find the owner, apologise and see how… Continue reading The Genie

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

“The next great civilization to arise was Ancient Greece, which came up with an exciting new governing concept called “democracy,” from the Greek words dem, meaning “everybody gets to vote,” and ocracy, meaning “except, of course women, slaves and poor people.” -Dave Barry Spanish singer Julio Iglesias was on television with British TV host Anne… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Q. What do you call a blonde with a map, compass, and set of directions? A. Lost. A golfer stood over his tee shot for what seemed an eternity. Looking up, looking down, measuring the distance, figuring the wind direction and speed–driving his partner nuts. Finally his exasperated partner says, “What’s taking so long? Hit… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

I had forgotten to get my estrogen patch prescription re- filled, and soon the symptoms of menopause–hot flashes, forgetfulness and irritability returned. At the pharmacy, I found myself telling the pharmacist all about my problems. After listening patiently, he asked, “Just out of interest, how many people asked you to get this refilled? “There are… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies are back for 2008!

True story… I was just reading the local paper. The article I was looking at was titled “Unwanted dogs dumped”. It was written by David Catt! A lady is having a bad day at the roulette tables in Vegas. She’s down to her last $50. Exasperated, she exclaims, “What rotten luck I’ve had today! What… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies are back for 2008!