The Fabulous Friday Funnies

My mother always said we were put on this earth to help others. My question is, what are the others here for? My father was a dentist and my mother was a manicurist…for most of their married life they fought tooth and nail. "The honeymoon is over when he phones to say he’ll be late… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Gay Ray

Gay Ray goes into the doctor’s office and has some tests run. The doctor comes back and says, ‘ Ray , I’m not going to beat around the bush. You have AIDS.’ Ray is devastated. ‘Doc, what can I do? Eat 1 curry sausage, 1 head of cabbage, 20 unpeeled carrots drenched in hot sauce,… Continue reading Gay Ray

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

A big mining company recently hired several cannibals. ‘You are all part of our team now’, said the HR manager during the welcoming briefing. ‘You get all the usual benefits and you can go to the cafeteria for something to eat, but please don’t eat any of the other employees’. The cannibals promised they would… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Cake or death?

httpv:// Thorn2200, the user who posted this, is very talented and I think he’s done an awesome job of animating Eddie Lizzard’s stand-up comedy using Lego characters. Check out all his videos here.

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

I’d had enough of my employees’ abusing their allotted break time. In an effort to clarify my position, I posted a sign on the bulletin board: "Starting immediately, your 15-minute breaks are being cut from a half-hour to 20 minutes." My father, an Air Force Academy graduate, still retains a strict military code of ethics… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

I am reading a most interesting book about anti-gravity. I just can’t put it down. Q: What did the sign in the Egyptian funeral home say? A: "Satisfaction guaranteed or double your mummy back." Bubbles and Barbie, two blonde sisters, had promised their Uncle, who had been a seafaring gentleman all his life, to bury… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Quasimodo goes to a doctor for his annual checkup. "I think something is wrong with your back," the doctor says. "What makes you say that?" Quasimodo asks. "I don’t know," the doctor replies. "It’s just a hunch." Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there’s a 90% probability you’ll get it wrong!… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies