Baby Heart Beat Audio

Here is some audio recorded today at our visit with our midwife. The louder noises you can hear at the start is the baby moving around and ‘kicking’ the doppler. The voice you can hear is Karen Gardener, our Midwife. The heartbeat was at about 150 beats per minute. [audio:Baby_HeartBeat.mp3]

The Fat Controller Video

Good for a Giggle… [coolplayer width=”480″ height=”380″ autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”0″ mediatype=””] The Fat Controller [/coolplayer]

Team America Audio Explicit Content

Audio from the funny movie by the makers of Southpark. It’s exaggerated Thunderbirds mets Jerry Bruckheimer action movie, funny as heck if you like stupid funny. Not Kim’s cup of tea… Enjoy. Team America Theme (Song) [audio:teamamerica_theme.mp3] Everyone has AIDS (Song) [audio:teamamerica_aids.mp3] My Time is Extremely Vaulable [audio:teamamerica_timeisvaluable.mp3] This is a nice Limo [audio:teamamerica_nowsuckmycock.mp3] Now… Continue reading Team America Audio Explicit Content