Today I attended a MotoTT motorcycle trackday in Taupo. It was a special trackday as they were drawing the grand prize winner of the 2012 Suzuki SV650S (valued at $13,500). To have an entry in the draw you needed to have attended two trackdays since August 2011. At lunchtime they pulled my name out of… Continue reading GSX-R1000 Crash, worst finish to best MotoTT trackday ever!
Tag: MotoTT
GSX-R1000 Crash, worst finish to best MotoTT trackday ever!
MotoTT Double Trackday – Taupo, March 18-19, 2011

The team from MotoTT Trackdays decided to hold a two-day trackday, using a different track for each day.
MotoTT Trackday – Taupo, February 11, 2011

It was to be my third ever trackday at the Taupo Motorsports Park and I was feeling great! It was a Friday, so had taken a day off work to participate, I had one goal to achieve by the end of the day… to get my ‘knee down’
Suzuki Trackday – Taupo, November 13, 2010

I got an email from MotoTT promoting a Suzuki Trackday at Taupo on Track 1 for only $80. I was planning on doing my second ever trackday the following Friday, November 19th, but this was going to be much better for three simple reasons. On a Saturday, so no need to take a day off… Continue reading Suzuki Trackday – Taupo, November 13, 2010
My first MotoTT trackday in Taupo

Well, after much anticipation the day finally arrived. My first MotoTT trackday in Taupo! Left Rotorua around 7am to get to the Taupo Motorsports Park just before 8am. Being pretty eager to register and get the bike scrutineered.