A great song by a great band, case with a fantastic video. Awesome chorus, just turn up the sound and enjoy! [audio:Doesnt Remind Me.mp3]
Audioslave – Doesn’t Remind Me
INXS – Pretty Vegas 
This is an awesome song by band with the new lead singer. Quite appropriate as we live in Rotorua, illness which has the nickname Roto Vegas! [audio:Pretty Vegas.mp3]
The Island 
Jesus Must Love You [audio:JesusMustLoveYou.mp3]
Shrek 2 
Raw Hide [audio:RawHide.mp3] What’s happening everybody [audio:Whats happening everybody.mp3] Wearing Ladies Underwear [audio:WearingLadiesUnderwear.mp3]
Shark Tale 
My brother from another mother [audio:Brother from another mother.mp3] Sabastian, allergy the whale washing dolphin [audio:The whale washing dolphin.mp3]
How long is this going to take [audio:How long is this going to take.mp3] This place is crackalacking [audio:This place is crackalacking.mp3] This place is off the chizzam [audio:ThisPlaceIsOffTheChizzam.mp3] We should of brought Chips And Dip [audio:Chips And Dip.mp3] They are savage aliens [audio:SavageAliens.mp3] Introduction to the Lemurs – New York Giants [audio:TheNewYorkGiants.mp3] Wakey Wakey… Continue reading Madagascar
Bad Boys II 
Bad Boys, Bad Boys [audio:Bad Boys Bad Boys.mp3] I’m Telling Mommy [audio:ImTellingMommy.mp3] Brass up my ass [audio:Brass up my ass.mp3] Cocky Nigger [audio:Cocky Nigger.mp3] Down for whatever [audio:Down for whatever.mp3] Emotional Cop Week [audio:Emotional Cop Week.mp3] Fug Sheu [audio:Fug Sheu.mp3] Hello Capition [audio:Hello Capition.mp3] It’s the Niggras [audio:Its the Niggras.mp3] I’ve got an erection [audio:I’ve… Continue reading Bad Boys II
40 Year Old Virgin 
I could F#$k you Up! [audio:ICouldFuckYouUp.mp3] Great Argument [audio:40YearOld – SineNigger.mp3] Ho, symptoms For Show [audio:40YearOld – HoForShow.mp3] Pep Talk from Indian Guy [audio:40YearOld – ShitStainedBalls.mp3] Came Out of Nowhere [audio:40YearOld – CameOutOfNoWhere.mp3] Go Fuck a Goat [audio:40YearOld – FuckaGoat.mp3]
13 Week Scan 
Here is is everyone. The video of our little bubs inside Kim’s tum. Now before clicking on this link, the file you are about to stream is over 30Mb and on a dial-up connection could be a waste of your time. The steps involved in making this movie Conception, I’ll let you fill in the… Continue reading 13 Week Scan
Kanye West – Touch the Sky 
This is a great song, order it has such a cool beat and you just cant help but love it. Hope you all enjoy it too. [audio:Touch The Sky.mp3]