"It seems a cat named Hank is running for the Senate in Virginia. You know the difference between a cat and politician? A cat doesn’t pretend to care about you." -Jay Leno Traveling is a major part of my wife’s job as a saleswoman, and it’s not unheard-of for her to visit four or five… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Tweets for the week (2012-03-05)
Throne management meeting (@ Rotorua District Council) [pic]: http://t.co/XvRm8jxY # Lunch with an Indian (@ Indian Star) [pic]: http://t.co/4JQ88RrF # #TGIF Fabulous Friday Caffeine! (@ Starbucks) [pic]: http://t.co/Zusl5DmQ # Client meeting #2 (@ Library Cafe) http://t.co/1QRRYGJJ # Client meeting (@ Fatdog Cafe) [pic]: http://t.co/Fp07rA0j #
Tweets for the week (2012-02-27)
I just ousted @dktakeshi as the mayor of Starbucks on @foursquare! http://t.co/GK6XU35D # @AdobeNZ Sales wins!! Support 40mins without answer. Sales even staying on the hold while it installs on my PC to confirm registration. # On hold with @AdobeNZ on 2 lines to get CS5.5 re-activated, viagra support and sales. 30mins and counting. What's… Continue reading Tweets for the week (2012-02-27)
Tweets for the week (2012-02-20)
Here for the Battle of the Streets bike races! What else is there to do in Paeroa? (@ Paeroa w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://t.co/SPSJz2ix # I just became the mayor of Moto City on @foursquare! http://t.co/ygkoXhMt # I've uploaded an @YouTube video http://t.co/9UCh8BhI MotoTT Taupo Feb 10, thumb 2012 – Track 5 – GoPro Tank… Continue reading Tweets for the week (2012-02-20)
Fabulous Friday Funnies
"A new survey reported that 40 percent of people think it’s a good idea to get engaged on Valentines Day. The other 60 percent were men." -Conan O’Brien I don’t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine’s Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler… Continue reading Fabulous Friday Funnies
Tweets for the week (2012-02-13)
A great way to end my two week holiday. A MotoTT trackday! (@ Taupo Motorsport Park) [pic]: http://t.co/wEINFoj0 # I've uploaded an @YouTube video http://t.co/pjZ8ur40 MotoTT Taupo Jan 21, clinic 2012 – Track 1 – GoPro Tank Cam #
Tweets for the week (2012-02-06)
Fun with the kids (@ Paekakariki Holiday Park) [pic]: http://t.co/sHfzWRQK # Major traffic detour via two one-lane bridges on SH1 between Waikanae and Te Horo. Truck vs Car crash. http://t.co/OQrYAxM9 # Great being on holiday and been able to drop off and pick up my son from school (@ Otonga Primary School) [pic]: http://t.co/94ah26aD #… Continue reading Tweets for the week (2012-02-06)
Ohope Camping Holiday 2012 
In the last weekend of January before Joshua started school, we borrowed a friends ute and all his camping gear and took the family on our first ever camping trip. Considering we hadn’t spent a single night in a tent together, Kim and I were a bit apprehensive about the whole thing, but thought since… Continue reading Ohope Camping Holiday 2012
Tweets for the week (2012-01-30)
Hope the coffee lives up to the name! (@ Javaman) [pic]: http://t.co/pcmv0KuY # Service is shit here! (@ BP Connect) http://t.co/SqiK5MY3 # #TGIF Coffee time! (@ Starbucks) [pic]: http://t.co/ueCW67Ji # #TGIF The Friday Funnies are back for 2012! http://t.co/J94w161E # All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! (@ Rotorua District Council) http://t.co/yTVwdd4G… Continue reading Tweets for the week (2012-01-30)
Fabulous Friday Funnies
A father and his young son were out walking one afternoon when the youngster asked how the electricity went through the wires stretched between the telephone poles. "Don’t know," said the father. "Never knew much about electricity." A few blocks father on the boy asked what caused lightning and thunder. "To tell the truth," said… Continue reading Fabulous Friday Funnies