The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Stress Buster No. 31 Seek out quiet Low level noise such as keyboards, chatting and the hum of photocopiers can lead to raised levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Find ways to retreat from noise in your lunch break… the park, a church or a conference room. Can I have some Irish Sausages, please?” asked… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Ace Ventura Laugh Flash

I was looking through some old files and folders tonight and found this which made me laugh. I made this on September 3, 2003. It was funny back then and it still brings a smile to my face now. To watch it again, press F5 to refresh the page. [kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”400″ width=”300″ /] If… Continue reading Ace Ventura Laugh Flash

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Stress Buster No. 30 Humour Days at work Fun decor, cartoon posters, jokes at meetings, balloons, funny hats, email humour, fun tea breaks, talent competitions, comedy DVDs, fun logos and signs, decorate lifts, award prizes for effort. Explain to people, we take our work seriously and ourselves a little less seriously. “Historic day at the… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Nymphomaniac convention

A man boarded an aircraft at London and took his seat; as he settled in he noticed a very beautiful woman boarding the plane. He realized she was heading straight towards his seat and bingo! she took the seat right beside him. Eager to strike up a conversation, he blurted out, ‘business trip or vacation?’… Continue reading Nymphomaniac convention

The Fabulous Friday Funnies

Stress Buster No. 28. Ask nicely You hear it all the time ”It’s not what they said, it was the way they said it!” Consider saying ‘Have you thought of putting the rubbish out?’ This gives the person the chance to say ‘Yes’ even if they haven’t. “My uncle’s dying wish was that he wanted… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies