@myleftbollock Nice bro! It that work, therapy home or the pub you're 'living' at? in reply to myleftbollock # Time for a top-up @teamintergen (@ Rotorua District Council) [pic]: http://t.co/oQAfH46U # I've favourited an @YouTube video http://t.co/4YhSCwOS GoPro: New York City… A Day in the Life – Starring Sk # @myleftbollock broken image bro, allergy… Continue reading Tweets for the week (2012-06-04)
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
True story A friend’s teenage son sat down at their kitchen table at 10 o’clock at night and poured himself some cereal. His mother asked him if he wanted some more dinner, as there was some left over in the fridge. He told her that he wasn’t really hungry but that he had to leave… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Tweets for the week (2012-05-28)
@taupotimesnews I hear you might be writing a story about my 'luck' at the racetrack on Friday? This might help http://t.co/N0N1nk6U # Likely my 'Suzi' will be written off http://t.co/N0N1nk6U # @stevenjdesign Funny you say that, health cause I already am the Mayor! https://t.co/AUrUKd2t in reply to stevenjdesign # What's today's cure for Mondayitis? (@… Continue reading Tweets for the week (2012-05-28)
GSX-R1000 Crash, worst finish to best MotoTT trackday ever!

Today I attended a MotoTT motorcycle trackday in Taupo. It was a special trackday as they were drawing the grand prize winner of the 2012 Suzuki SV650S (valued at $13,500). To have an entry in the draw you needed to have attended two trackdays since August 2011. At lunchtime they pulled my name out of… Continue reading GSX-R1000 Crash, worst finish to best MotoTT trackday ever!
Tweets for the week (2012-05-21)
Dreaming of getting my knee down. Four sleeps to go! http://t.co/dyykrkWR # @myleftbollock top times board at off road NZ Raceline Karting track. in reply to myleftbollock # @myleftbollock This you at number seven? https://t.co/TYm1NKdO # Haast Eagle at The Big Splash @RainbowRotorua (@ Rainbow Springs Kiwi Wildlife Park) [pic]: http://t.co/p8mCQG0O #
Tweets for the week (2012-05-14)
#girlongirl #ftw RT @MehulChhagan: glad i tuned into the last five minutes of #shortystreet # I just ousted Dj T. as the mayor of Ali Baba's Tunisian Cuisine on @foursquare! http://t.co/C0H4RICe # this one's for you @damianste http://t.co/vPhOAN8r # Enjoy this week's fabulous #FridayFunnies http://t.co/THJaNxjc #jokes #humor #comedy #
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
"A new study found that eating healthy adds $380 to your grocery bill every year. Or as Americans put it, ‘Cool, I saved $380 this year!’" -Jimmy Fallon It’s just dawned on me…. My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day. He has his food prepared for him. He can eat whenever he wants. His… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Tweets for the week (2012-05-07)
@cabbagetree Damn! only if they take no other bookings for the next 987 years! lol in reply to cabbagetree # @kre8ive_tech No, generic #photostream via my iPhone in reply to kre8ive_tech # @rotoruaNZ Maybe just a little, arthritis but I'm here at least… in reply to rotoruaNZ # Must be a few sore heads this… Continue reading Tweets for the week (2012-05-07)
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
"The first case of mad cow disease since 2006 was discovered here in the United States. The good news, since the cow is in California, instead of putting the cow down, they are going to enroll him in anger management classes." -Jay Leno
Tweets for the week (2012-04-30)
@MockaNZ What is your contact number? Want to follow up on an email I sent you last night RE: order #103945276 # I've favourited an @YouTube video http://t.co/GuUYmhh7 If Only Every Mountain Biking Video Was Shot Like This # Check out the latest addition to the offering at @RainbowRotorua http://t.co/cJdkF7q6 # @SiMcmanus You too, prescription… Continue reading Tweets for the week (2012-04-30)