As Kaylee is now 26 months old (2 years, 1 month, 3 weeks, 3 days to be exact) she has her own style of talk. So just like we did for Joshua around the same age, we thought we better do the same for Kaylee. So here is a chart of her most commonly spoken… Continue reading Learn Kaylee’s Lingo
Category: Kaylee Rae
Little Drummer Girl
Your browser does not support the video tag Kaylee loves AC/DC. Managed to snap this clip of her making all the right actions and playing the fool while up on my desk at home.
Testing other uses for my GoPro HD 
I’ve recently been testing some other uses for the GoPro HD Hero other than filming footage from onboard my motorcycle or luging down a hill in Rotorua. Normally when you search for GoPro on YouTube you’ll be presented with videos of Skydiving, Base jumping, Motorsports, Watersports and many other adventurous, adrenaline seeking activities.
Kaylee Rae Hodge 
Introducing Kaylee Rae Hodge. We arrived at the Rotorua Hospital just before 11am on the morning of June 18, 2009. We were quickly shown to our room (room nine) in the perinatal ward of the hospital as the birthing ward was all full up. After some initial consults from staff midwifes, the anesthialogist and the… Continue reading Kaylee Rae Hodge