Tag: Humour
Brokeback Mountain Cartoons
Early Gay Signs 
I thought this was a little bit of a laugh when I saw it, discount hey, on the bright side…. more for everyone else…. right?
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
“The next great civilization to arise was Ancient Greece, which came up with an exciting new governing concept called “democracy,” from the Greek words dem, meaning “everybody gets to vote,” and ocracy, meaning “except of course women, slaves and poor people.” –Dave Barry A very elderly but bright-eyed gentleman, very well dressed, hair well groomed,… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies
Bad Boys II 
Bad Boys, Bad Boys [audio:Bad Boys Bad Boys.mp3] I’m Telling Mommy [audio:ImTellingMommy.mp3] Brass up my ass [audio:Brass up my ass.mp3] Cocky Nigger [audio:Cocky Nigger.mp3] Down for whatever [audio:Down for whatever.mp3] Emotional Cop Week [audio:Emotional Cop Week.mp3] Fug Sheu [audio:Fug Sheu.mp3] Hello Capition [audio:Hello Capition.mp3] It’s the Niggras [audio:Its the Niggras.mp3] I’ve got an erection [audio:I’ve… Continue reading Bad Boys II
Thursday Easter Holiday Funnies
“Woohoo…Now I can wear heels!” —Nicole Kidman on divorcing Tom Cruise We were trying to save money as the mortgage payments were pretty tough to work with. As you know I don’t drink that much – maybe a slab or two on the weekends with the boys. As a cost saving she told me we… Continue reading Thursday Easter Holiday Funnies
The Fabulous Friday Funnies
A young Native American woman went to a doctor for the first physical exam of her life. After checking all her vitals and running the usual tests, the doctor said, “Well, Running Doe, you’re in fine health. I could find no problems with your health, but did notice one abnormality.” “Oh, what is that, Doctor?”… Continue reading The Fabulous Friday Funnies