Due Day, Drop Day, call it want to call it, officially it’s tomorrow for little Joshua.
That being said, our midwife thinks he’ll arrive next week, which would suit my parents just fine as they arrive into Rotorua on Wednesday next week for their 10 day, grandparent royal visit.
Of course, Kim would like him to arrive a.s.a.p as she is getting bored just waiting.
Then there is the lack of sleep, which isn’t bound to get any better once he arrives, but maybe being dead tired, Kim will get whatever sleep she can, when she can.
Our cats are acting all weird at the moment, which could be due to us looking after Kims Dads Dog ‘Jack’ since last Wednesday until this weekend.
Kim found Lucy sleeping in the bassinette today, so she stripped it back and we have put a large container of water in there, to freak the cats out if one of them jumps up in there again. That’ll teach em!
Will keep you all posted as the pregnancy unfolds