Some audio taken tonight. I know it sounds like it, but I’m not trying to drown my son. The latest noise to come out of Joshua’s mouth. [audio:Gargling.mp3]
Category: Joshi Jargon
Nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless talk all about Joshua Ethan Hodge, our first born son.
Joshua’s First Words
Audio taken from Joshua the other night. [audio:JoshuaTalking.mp3] Note how he doesn’t respond to Dad, but Mum gets a reply straight away.
Joshua’s first big milestone
Kim and I would like to officially announce Joshua’s first big milestone. This morning at 5:04am, Joshua ticked over to 6 months old! A.K.A. 182.621099 days old 1/2 a year old The big .50 VI months old Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm during this time.
New Video Posted
Well, if you haven’t already subscribed to the Adrian video podcast then you wouldn’t have been aware of the latest video posted into the video gallery of our little monkey man, Joshua. Titled Screaming, Mad Dad, this video is sure to bring a smile to your face. I added it to the top of… Continue reading New Video Posted
Joshua Snoring
Seams like you do get some traits from your grandparents… Turn your sound up, as it’s a little quite. [audio:JoshuaSnoring.mp3] Recorded last night 5 minutes after we put Joshua down.
How old is Joshua Ethan Hodge?
Joshua Finds his Voice
Here is a snippet of Joshua making noises at 12 weeks. You can see him really concentrating hard as he calmly talks to you. He normally makes these noises while he’s on his back having his nappy changed. [audio:JoshuaTalking_12Weeks.mp3]
Joshua to Lachlan Photo Morph
Here’s a neat little trick. Using Morpheus Photo Animation Suite you can take two or more images and morph them together. Great in this case to show off Joshua and his cousin Lachlan Rattray. I would have included his other boy cousin Nicholas Rattray, but I still haven’t got a high res photo of him… Continue reading Joshua to Lachlan Photo Morph
Joshua Ethan Hodge is here.
He’s finally here!! Introducing Joshua Ethan Hodge The newest member to the Hodge family, Joshua. Born by cesarean at 5:06am today, 26th of October 2006 at a weight of 8.4lbs or 3.74kgs Joshua is doing fine, swallowed a little meconium during labour and got a little stressed out, so was taken to special care unit… Continue reading Joshua Ethan Hodge is here.
Joshua Due Tomorrow
Due Day, Drop Day, call it want to call it, officially it’s tomorrow for little Joshua. That being said, our midwife thinks he’ll arrive next week, which would suit my parents just fine as they arrive into Rotorua on Wednesday next week for their 10 day, grandparent royal visit. Of course, Kim would like him… Continue reading Joshua Due Tomorrow