So here I am, Thursday the 1st of June, with my copy of Tourist Trophy for PS2 in my hot little hands. That’s right, I got my copy the day before release day, being tomorrow the 2nd of June. Can I just say how pleased I am with GPStore as they couriered the game out a day early so I would be certain to have if for the long Queens Birthday weekend, this weekend. They are the greatest online Gaming and DVD store in New Zealand, without a doubt. Why pay full retail when you can pre-order and save $$.
I’ll add some feedback on the game once I’ve played it, cause it’s a bit hard while I’m here at work. Just to give you an idea of the game and to wet your appetite, watch the video above. (requires quicktime)
[coolplayer width=”320″ height=”197″ autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”0″ mediatype=””]