- #TGIT Four day (40hr) working weeks are choice! (@ Rotorua District Council) http://t.co/GcJe7CEL #
- @JustinFlitter @redbullstratos Postponed due to gusty winds. #tiredwithnothingtoshowforit in reply to JustinFlitter #
- Officially tired after staying up until 1:30 to watch the @redbullstratos #livejump and having less than 5hrs sleep. Zzzz #
- Looks like they're using @GoPro cameras after all. #livejump #stratos http://t.co/6MNyO4Zv @ 2:02 #
- @RedBullStratos Any room on Felix's chest pack for a @GoPro chesty? #livejump #stratos #
- Anyone else planning on watching the @redbullstratos event? Amazing that it will be streamed live! http://t.co/qwwNomah #