Here’s a neat little trick. Using Morpheus Photo Animation Suite you can take two or more images and morph them together. Great in this case to show off Joshua and his cousin Lachlan Rattray. I would have included his other boy cousin Nicholas Rattray, but I still haven’t got a high res photo of him… Continue reading Joshua to Lachlan Photo Morph
Tag: photo
Joshua to Lachlan Photo Morph
What every man wants for Christmas 
This is the hottest selling product this 2006 Christmas period for men aged 18 – 80. It’s the last remote any man will ever want, forget the TV or DVD remote, this little beauty will help you forget that you even have a TV. This universal X-Rated woman remote from JVC has been selling in… Continue reading What every man wants for Christmas
Bursting thru… 
So, now Kim is 34 weeks pregnant. She’s totally over the whole experience now, and just wants the little guy to come out of there. Kim the trooper is dealing with Joshua giving her a tummy beating, pains, cramps, trouble getting up, turning over in bed… you name it. I can only sit by and… Continue reading Bursting thru…
The Picture of the Year 
Being an up and coming father, this was really amazing… A picture began circulating in November. It should be “The Picture of the Year,” or perhaps, “Picture of the Decade.” It won’t be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the US paper which published it, you probably would never have seen it. The… Continue reading The Picture of the Year
28 Week Baby Bump 
She’s doing well folks, holding up her end of the bargin…. or something like that. Kim’s has been getting her Braxton Hicks over the past few weeks and is now starting to get some Supa-pubic pains. I think they just make up these words to make you feel sorry for them…. Only joking, Braxton Hicks… Continue reading 28 Week Baby Bump
Battle of the Bulge – 26 Weeks 
Here is the latest photo taken moments ago. As you can see – the little thing is starting to take it’s toll on Kim’s small frame. But it’s only going to get worse, keep it tuned in and watch this space for updates.
Our Wedding Cross Stitch 
Well, Kim’s second larger than life cross stitch is finally finished, Our Wedding Portrait. I think it looks awesome, it looks like a photo on the wall, but when you get up close you realise that it’s hundreds of tiny stitches that represent the pixels of the photo, that make up this amazing artwork. And… Continue reading Our Wedding Cross Stitch
Kim’s Baby Bump at 24 Weeks 
Well, asthma progress as normal. Our little bubs is growing up. But far out! -> Check out our roaring fire!
Kim’s Baby Bump at 22 Weeks 
Next updated photo, taken tonight. Doesn’t look much bigger than the first, but the little baby is growing fast, it’s nearly 30cm long now.
Kim’s Baby Bump at 19 Weeks 
Here’s a photo of Kim’s tummy taken tonight, I put my giant head in the photo to give you some reference of just how big it is.