Just got emailed this, asthma thought it was worthy of a blog post. Enjoy. [coolplayer width=”480″ height=”380″ autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”0″ mediatype=””] Gingerbread men haka [/coolplayer] Created for a best bakery of the year competition. Find out more here: www.bakeryoftheyear.co.nz
Category: Music, Movies & Entertainment
A little round up of music I’m listening to, little snippets of audio from great movies I’ve seen and general entertainment.
Gingerbread Haka
My Southpark Character
Stumbled Upon this site today. Make your own Southpark character, visit Southpark Studios to create yours today. Do you think it looks like me?
Evermore – Real Life
I’ve found myself listening to Evermore’s new album heaps recently lot since I got a copy a few weeks ago. It’s such a cool album, with a lot of great tracks on it. Something you can enjoy while coding, driving or just hanging out. Visit the bands official website. View, Listen and Purchase tracks at… Continue reading Evermore – Real Life
Interesting Site of the Week
Weird, sale but strangely amusing… http://www.games1.org/games/reactioneffect.swf
Team America

Audio from the funny movie by the makers of Southpark. It’s exaggerated Thunderbirds mets Jerry Bruckheimer action movie, funny as heck if you like stupid funny. Not Kim’s cup of tea… Enjoy. Team America Theme (Song) [audio:teamamerica_theme.mp3] Everyone has AIDS (Song) [audio:teamamerica_aids.mp3] My Time is Extremely Vaulable [audio:teamamerica_timeisvaluable.mp3] This is a nice Limo [audio:teamamerica_nowsuckmycock.mp3] Now… Continue reading Team America
Movie Medley I 
Here it is folks, sales My brother wanted some new audio clips in a podcast so I had to deliver. Here is a medley of audio clips from Wedding Crashers and Bay Boys 2. I hope it puts a smile on your face, as I know it will put one on my brothers Of course… Continue reading Movie Medley I
Alyssa Rattray’s Magic Trick 
While in Auckland in the weekend, site I just had to record our little niece Alyssa, doing her magic trick. So I compiled some clips I took on my digital camera, and threw in some music and voice of Alyssa, and bobs your uncle. Enjoy. [coolplayer width=”288″ height=”228″ autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”0″ mediatype=””] http://adrianhodge.com/video/Alyssa_Magic_Audio.mp4 [/coolplayer]
Wedding Crashers 
Don’t waste your time with girls in hats [audio:ProperGirlInTheHat.mp3] Every time I look over, your on your arse again [audio:YourOnYourArseAgain.mp3] Her Mum made me feel her tits [audio:MadeMeFeelHerTits.mp3]
Happy Gilmore 
Stay out of my way, or you’ll pay, listen to what I say [audio:InsultRhyme.mp3] I’d have to kick my own arse [audio:KickMyOwnArse.mp3] I eat piece’s of shit like you for breakfast [audio:YouEatPiecesOfShit.mp3] Why don’t you just go to your home! [audio:WhyDontYouGoToYourHome.mp3]
Audioslave – Doesn’t Remind Me 
A great song by a great band, case with a fantastic video. Awesome chorus, just turn up the sound and enjoy! [audio:Doesnt Remind Me.mp3]